Viking Mediterranean Odyssey #1

After retiring and settling down in Puerto Vallarta I thought my traveling days were over. Then I reconnected with an old friend who encouraged me to begin writing again. At 74 I actually thought I was too old to begin again. I began exploring opportunities and decided to try another Viking Ocean Cruise, the Mediterranean Odyssey which encompasses six countries and ten tours over thirteen days. I was elated to discover that my cruise was secured. I asked my old friend if she would like to accompany me as she had never been on a cruise with Viking and had not explored the Mediterranean Sea at all. Of the six countries we were seeing, I had only seen a portion of three of them. We booked our flights and chose the cruise leaving from Venice Italy and finishing in Barcelona Spain.

After a tortuous combination of three flights with layovers we arrived in Chioggia over 24 hours plus later. We were exhausted and still had a one hour bus ride from the airport to where our Viking Star ship was docked. As is usual passengers could not enter their rooms until after 3:00 PM. I showed her the various decks and we picked up our keys and entered our room. After slightly unpacking we decided to grab a bite to eat. We ate fairly quickly and headed back to our room and went to bed completely exhausted. I think I actually slept ten hours, which I hadn’t done in years.

Our first tour was the “Scenic Chioggia by Foot”, which left the ship area around 8:25 am. The town has several memorable cathedrals along with a plethora of ancient architecture dating back hundreds of years. It’s documented history extends back until the 6th century AD when it was part of the Byzantine empire. Destroyed in 9th century by King Pippin of Italy and rebuilt in 1378 after being conquered by Genoa and finally by Venice in 1380. Known as the “Little Venice” it is renown for its lace-making, fishermen and several canals that resemble Venice.

We saw the Church of St. Andrew (18th century) with its bell tower from the 11th century and the oldest tower watch in the world. The interior has a Crucifixion by Palma the Elder a Venetian painter from the Italian High Renaissance who lived from 1480-1528. Little did we realize it was a market day and a city holiday. The main streets were filled with vendors and gobs of people shopping for inexpensive wares and good deals. We battled the wall of humanity trying to keep up with our guide Catarina.

I was naive and thought we could catch a taxi, bus or Uber into Venice and catch our Grande Canal Gondola ride. Little did I know Venice was an hour away. I thought I was saving funds by booking with TripAdvisor separately from Viking. Oh woe was me. It turned into a debacle from hades! Not only were there no or other vessels of transportation, but we tried several attempts to locate the bus that took us to the center of town. My traveling companion has a FitBit to count steps and we wound up walking 10,800 steps this day after our 24 hour plus flight. We finally realized we had walked right by the bus stop approximately 45 minutes to an hour before finally catching it. Thankfully we purchased the bus ticket at a smoke shop in Chioggia and the person in charge was nice enough to tell us we should buy a round trip ticket so as not to get stranded in Venice.

Upon arrival in Venice we located a Gondola area and asked if they knew where our ride was located and they told us without an address it would be impossible. I valiantly searched through the information provided by TripAdvisor through Viator and could not find an address, just the QR code, booking number and confirmation code. We finally decided to grab lunch and see what we could find with the restaurant’s Internet. They were very gracious and gave us the ID and password for their Internet. I then searched their website trying to find the various numbers I was sent to no avail. After several attempts I realized we were out of luck and if we were to fulfill my bucket list item of a Gondola ride in Venice we would have to hire another Gondolier. We had a delicious lunch at the “KmO Venezia Osteria” located near the canal close to the bus terminal where we arrived. The Gondolier group we talked with was located across the canal from the restaurant where we had lunch. We decided to take advantage of their location and how nice they were with us. We finally were able to secure a 30 minute ride rather than the hour we booked TripAdvisor via Viator.

Despite the issues experienced with trying to locate the original Grande Canal Gondola ride, our 30 minute ride was very relaxing and the gondolier showed us several areas of Venice that were both charming with fascinating architecture and obvious history. The varying surface textures reflected the different decades of wear and in most cases centuries of erosion. It was definitely well worth dreaming about this and finally being able to check it off my bucket list once and for all.

Venice like several of the cities we stopped at is not something one can see in a day and well worth a complete week I would surmise. Regardless having the taste I know what Venice represents and appears like now. By that evening after roughly a 90 minute bus ride back we were able to catch a taxi from Chioggia and return to the ship in time. Once again a very nice gentleman at a pharmacy in town helped us secure a taxi from his place of business back to the ship. Our guide Catarina earlier in the day 0n the Chioggia tour had warned us not to walk back to the ship from town after dark. With the new rules for Cruise ships to dock in Chioggia and no longer in Venice the port area appears a little shady in an industrial area basically. I was thankful our guide recommended taking a taxi back from Chioggia after returning from Venice if we missed the water taxi back to the ship. I would recommend anyone returning after dark to the cruise ship port taking the same advice just to be on the safe side.


We quickly went back to our cabin and prepared for a late dinner. I personally was exhausted after the previous two days experience and slept another 8-10 hours. My old friend wasn’t as bad off as this old man as she regularly walks her beautiful dog and has her FitBit to measure her daily steps. Even though I take walks and generally experience Puerto Vallarta on foot, I was definitely no match for her. I was very glad she never was upset or annoyed with me and was patient to the Nth degree. By the end of the cruise I would say I was much better at keeping up with her as we averaged 9900 steps per day plus! I bought a cheap knockoff and measure my activities also after my return. My largest concern currently is my ongoing battle with seasonal allergies which seem to have increased exponentially over the last six months.

Regardless I am determined to share several more blogs in regard to our Viking Ocean Cruise, Mediterranean Odyssey. Onward to Split Croatia our next port of call with Viking Cruises.



*** Portions of our cruise were sponsored by Viking Ocean Cruises. All opinions, as always, are those of my own.







Viking Ocean Cruise Into the Midnight Sun Post #3, Geiranger

I have traveled many places over my 56 years of traveling this world. I have to admit that none have been as strikingly gorgeous as Geiranger was with Viking Cruises. Obviously never having been to Norway and beginning with a Bob Dylan concert, I had no idea what to expect as we sailed into this small port in Norway. We cruised from Bergen north and along the coast we were close enough to see many structures and small communities such as this below. I have an 80 to 200 zoom lens for my Sony camera, so it was nice to pull these small towns into view.


Coastal Town Between Bergen and Geiranger


Along the coast we passed so many waterfalls it was staggering. I’m guessing it was about 6:00 AM to 6:30 AM and we were having breakfast in our room with room service I believe, or taking advantage of the in room coffee maker. I couldn’t believe how stunning the coastline was. I’ve never seen this amount of waterfalls located close to each other including our many visits to Hawaii.


Waterfall on the Way to Geiranger


Just as we began to enter Geiranger Bay we passed this small village on the corner. I love European architecture related to farming and small townships. It brings back memories of my youth and helping on my Grandfather’s farm in Kansas. That was most assuredly very hard work, but there is a rewarding feeling when you complete this type of physical labor. I had no way of knowing as we turned into the bay what lay ahead or how beautiful the bay and Geiranger Fjords were going to be.


Small Town Going Into Geiranger Fjords


This would be our first of several Tender experiences while aboard the Viking Sun. I have to be honest and say how unsettling my thoughts of riding these water taxis into shore were. The mind plays games with one and I was concerned I might be claustrophobic or become seasick by the rocking of these small boats. My fears were soon belayed as the process was totally organized and without issue.


Tender to Shore in Geiranger


There it was. Geiranger Bay appeared to be a very lovely port and one that photographers would drool over. How little did I realize how oversimplified my thoughts were. Each evening prior to the various ports, the cruise director and ship operations managers would convey their knowledge and views of each port we would be touring the next day. This was invaluable to Kim and I as we combined this with the daily newsletters to resolve our plans for each days’ itinerary.


View of Geiranger from the Viking Sun


The primary focus of their talk for Geiranger was the eleven switchbacks that everyone riding the buses to the top would endure. I was actually fearful that the constant turning might make me sick to my stomach. I am very hesitant to ride in the back seat of an automobile, especially on very warm days. I tend to become deathly sick at my stomach. We disembarked and went ashore without any unpleasant consequences.


Moose and Whale Sausage for Sale in a Geiranger Gift Shop


We had to wait a few minutes for our tour bus and for the guides to set up. We decided we should visit the gift shop and see what was available. With thoughts of stuffed animals for our two year old grandson we entered the store. To our surprise it was filled with different Norwegian foods and the traditional wool winter clothing from Dale of Norway. Their designs are fairly well known throughout the world. I was dumbfounded to discover the shop sold both Moose and Whale sausage. I am comfortable experimenting and tasting new foods, but without a method of maintaining refrigeration we couldn’t think about buying any moose sausage. I don’t think I could eat the whale sausage!


Faux Fur Hats for Sale in a Geiranger Gift Shop


Given the pricing, which in all cases was extreme, I am pretty sure the fur accessories were all faux goods. As a rule in Norway goods of all kinds are very expensive as Norway has the fourth highest cost of living country in the world behind the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Switzerland in that order. We were astonished by the pricing structure in this country.


Seven Sisters Waterfalls


After maneuvering several switchbacks in the bus we stopped a pullout and were able to take photos of several waterfalls. One of the more popular set of falls is the “Seven Sisters” waterfalls. They are among the most photographed waterfalls in Geiranger Fjords. They have a fall of over 800 feet a year. Legend has it that that the “Seven Sisters” were all unmarried, and the waterfall on the other side of the fjord has been called “The Suitor” after several unsuccessful attempts to court the sisters. The Seven Sisters falls are about 6.5 kilometers or four miles west of Geiranger and are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Waterfall Around the Fjord from the Seven Sisters Waterfalls Pullout


This support under a free flowing waterfall near the Seven Sisters Waterfalls, was very interesting with its platform that flowed over the glass structure. It was constructed to insure soil erosion was kept to a minimum. I thought it was unique and warranted a photograph and inclusion in the blog post.


Queens Chair


Queen Sonja of Norway is the wife of King Harald V since January 1991. The Queen was awarded a chair to recognize her work in Fjord tourism with both personal and private visits to this area. This is highlighted in the verbiage on the chair’s plaque above. She and I have something in common. We have both sat in the chair only once!


Geiranger Bay from the Queens Chair Overlook


Queen Sonja is a passionate mountain hiker and HM Queen Sonja’s Panoramic hiking trail was named in her honor. This is one of her favorite hikes in the Hardangerfjord region. The trail is in the soaring mountains between Kinsarvik and Lofthus. It offers magnificent fjord views. The hike is both long and difficult with an extreme decline in to Lofthus. You will walk through forests, mountains and plush orchards. Follow the dirt road from Røte up to Heng at 750 meters above sea level. From here the trail is marked with blue Ds, The Norwegian word for Queen is Dronning.


View from the Higher Up Geiranger Fjords with the Queens Chair on the Right


From the Queen’s chair we drove a little farther up the mountain. We stepped off the bus and walked to an overlook. What I saw literally took my breath away. It is, without a doubt one of the most magnificent views I have ever seen. Looking out over the Geiranger Fjord bay was mesmerizing and I definitely knew this was a special place. I fought to keep my emotions under control. I know that everyone who has experienced this view will agree. It rewards you with a memory of a lifetime. I think I was actually drooling all over my beard at one point. I will never forget the view!


Ice Pools on Top of Geiranger Fjords


Ice Pools at the Top of Geiranger Fjords


We drove another few minutes to the top of Geiranger Fjord where a cafe and gift shop exists. We finally were above the tree line and the snow was evident across the mountains of slate. Behind the cafe was a frozen lake with beautiful waves of ice and snow combined. Hopefully it is translated through my photos. It was gorgeous, if not blinding!


Ice Pools on Top of Geiranger Fjords


As we were sailing to Lofoten, the cruise director made an announcement. She told us to look to the Starboard side and grab our cameras. We were passing this globe, which represents the Artic Circle. I was thrilled to have captured the moment with my zoom lens. The small structure alongside the globe is a lighthouse I assume. We passed several of these along the coast of Norway. I would not want to navigate these treacherous waters without the aid of lighthouses after dark. While on this cruise, it’s a good idea to have the contact information for a cruise ship attorney, such as the one at, just in case.


Passing the Artic Circle After Geiranger Fjords


There is a ceremony on cruise ships that initiates one into the Blue Nose Society as is illustrated below. You have to get into the freezing water and emerge having a blue slushy concoction placed on your nose. After a bad experience exiting a Sauna in the Men’s Spa and getting into the mandated freezing water I declined. This act almost caused my second heart attack and I didn’t want to take any chances.


Blue Nose Ceremony for Crossing the Artic Circle


I may have not communicated this well enough, but this particular port was definitely one of my favorites on our Into the Midnight Sun cruise. Onward to Lofoten home to breathtaking jagged peaks and sheltered bays!





*** Portions of our cruise were sponsored by Viking Ocean Cruises. All opinions, as always, are those of my own.

Viking Ocean Cruise Into the Midnight Sun Post #1

Bob Dylan Concert outside our hotel window

Prior to this cruise our experience with Viking was only on a River Cruise. Since I have a tendency to become very ill at sea, I was considerably nervous about this sailing. We flew into Bergen and had a reservation at the Thon Orion Hotel. As we checked into our room, I noticed there seemed to be a concert stage outside our hotel window and it made me nervous about our sleep. When we went downstairs to dinner I asked what hours the concert would play. The nice desk attendant replied from 8:00 PM until 10:00 PM and I was happy. Kim asked who was playing and the desk attendant replied Bob Dylan. I nearby fell over. We hurried through dinner and went straight to our room. We had a ringside seat to one of my favorite musicians. As the concert unfolded we realized we wouldn’t be able to see him as the setup was back under the roof in case of rain. That didn’t stop us from listening to a really great concert with many of his oldies played, even at New York Broadway show. He played a couple of encores and stopped just in time for the crowd to leave as the rain began pouring down. 




Traditional Viking Cruise Life Preserver


The next morning after breakfast, we took a taxi a couple of kilometers away to the boarding area for Viking. It was starting to rain pretty well by the time we were ushered inside the welcome tent. As we had not been on an Ocean cruise with Viking we weren’t familiar with the procedures and more than once sought help from the staff. We showed our passports and they were taken in exchange for a room key that enabled us to enter our room, board and disembark the ship for tours and use as a general access method for all areas of the ship. After going through security just like at airports, we decided to tour the ship and found several items of interest aboard the Viking Sun. First was a globe on the Explorer’s deck that was gorgeous and accurate in design. Along side of it was a telescope to view the incoming ships and ports, also beautiful in overall look. In addition there were several libraries on multiple decks for your reading pleasure. This was a nice benefit since the ship was literally outfitted with a plethora of reading areas.


Gorgeous Globe on the Explorer Deck
Telescope to View the Oncoming Ships and Ports

After the Explorer deck we ventured outside to the sports area where we found a multitude of games to capture our fancy. A very nice Bocce Ball court, Table Tennis, Miniature golf, Shuffleboard, along with a fantastic watering station in case you become dehydrated. If by chance you just wanted to get a little sun, there were many areas to sit and sun yourself. I thought Viking had done an outstanding job with this deck.

Miniature Golf

The inside section of this deck in addition to the libraries included board games such as chess, backgammon and many other challenging pastimes. Also shown were relic replicas from the Vikings including a stone axe and a model ship. Many items were represented for your viewing pleasure. Also noteworthy is the second deck which was equipped with all sorts of electronic games like เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับ UFA และข้อเสนอต่างๆ and a Scrabble board or two. We thoroughly enjoyed this deck many times, especially on sea days.

Viking Axe
Replica of a Viking Sailing Ship

After reviewing the various decks and grabbing a bite of lunch we were let into our room. It was significantly larger than I had imagined. Our luggage had already arrived and was laid out for our unpacking. The room accessories included an umbrella large enough for us both, a pair of binoculars for shoreline viewing, slippers for venturing to the Spa, wonderful Freyja toiletries and a set of Wireless Tour Guide radios with one ear piece rather than the normal two that we were used to. We prefer the single now.

Twin Beds

Next to the beds was a working and seating area. Included were two large lounge chairs, a coffee table, a working desk area and a 42″ TV for catching up on Viking news, information about our specific tours and weather forecasts. The weather during our cruise was extraordinary. This region usually receives rain 181 days a year in Oslo and 270 days a year in Bergen with it being the tenth highest rainfall city in the world. We were definitely lucky to have sunshine most days.


Lounge Chairs

The desk area included free soft drinks, tonic water or club soda, nuts and several Toblerone bars which just happen to be one of my favorites, so they were constantly stocking the candy. Although there were two luxury restaurants on board, a wonderful buffet restaurant, a great burger bar for lunch next to the pool and we opted for room service on several days, generally at breakfast. It was wonderful and one can order 24 hours a day at no charge. Great omelets I must say!

Desk Area with Refrigerator

Notice the balcony off the desk area. Every room on-board is equipped with a fairly private veranda. We love having a morning coffee outside when weather permits. In addition we both had wonderful, size appropriate bathroom robes that we used many times, visiting the fantastic spa on board. Whether for a massage as I had, a facial as Kim had, the wonderful steam baths, saunas or the unique Snow Room. I thoroughly enjoyed the sauna and steam room, but jumping into the freezing water afterwards wasn’t my cup of tea. I thought after being in the steam room for several minutes I could handle the cold room, but I only lasted about 20 seconds I believe. Don’t laugh until; you experience this Scandinavian tradition!


Closet with Robe and Dresser.

If you notice the dresser has several drawers. My dresser as shown was equipped with four drawers. Kim’s dresser was right around the corner and also had four drawers. This was more than adequate for our needs. The hanging closet to the left was supported by two more closets adjacent to the entrance door. Needless to say a couple has adequate room to store a cruise worth of clothes. We were settled in and ready to tour Bergen the next day and learn about this charming city. Let the cruise begin!


*** Portions of our cruise were sponsored by Viking Ocean Cruises. All opinions, as always, are those of my own.

Tahiti After 43 Years Maybe?

WIN THIS TRIP #EpiXtrip - Tell Us Your Story and Win a Trip to Tahiti

#epiXtrip Since my wife and I will be married 40 years this year and have dreamed of visiting Tahiti since we started dating 43 years ago, it certainly would be majestic if we were able to secure and win this glorious trip to Tahiti. If not here’s hoping one of our many traveling friends are able to secure it and enjoy themselves among the islands.
We have traveled individually and mostly together over this time and would certainly appreciate an opportunity to explore and experience Tahiti and all the wonderful accouterments of this paradise! We have always enjoyed the island life and the sea has been our natural vacation. Having the chance to see Tahiti and examine the traits of its culture, food and people would be the icing on our 43 years of traveling! Wish us luck and cross your fingers for us!
Kick your trip off at
The Brando (4 -nights) on the
private island of Tetiaroa———“It’s as if you created your own
private world and stepped
barefoot into your imagination.”


Ranked top resort in the South
Pacific by Travel + Leisure

We believe the power of travel
and storytelling can have a
positive impact on global
Marlon Brando hoped that
Tetiaroa Island could serve as
an ecological model, a place for
scientific research and
You will also participate with
the Tetiaroa Society as part of
your stay
After your stay at The Brando,
you’ll spend:
1 night at the Intercontinental
Tahiti Resort & Spa
2 nights at the Intercontinental
Bora Bora resort & Thalasso Spa
We hope your wanderlust is
stoked. Build and submit your
own travel story for a chance to
For contest rules and details
about how you can create a
winning STELLER story please
see the “EpiXtrip Contest Rules”
story under our users profile

Baby Boomers Love Spas

Local Nail Spa Having One of My Favorites, a Pedicure

There’s no question that baby boomers love spas. After all, what’s not to love? Spas offer a chance to relax, rejuvenate, and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. They’re also a great way to meet new people and enjoy some quality time with friends.

As Baby Boomers age, their discretionary funds are more available than when we were raising children and supplementing their activities. This leaves the Boomers the ability to spend supplemental cash as they see fit. I am among this illustrious population, and my body tells me so daily. I am not any different than most Boomers and love when I can be pampered, and my body treated like royalty.

We regularly go to our local spa. Our visits are so frequent that sometimes we might consider getting a spa built in our backyard with the help of California Pools which can build custom pools and spas. Home spas offer all the same benefits as traditional spas, but they can be tailored specifically to your needs and preferences. Plus, they’re more convenient and often more affordable than visiting a spa. Here are a few tips for building the perfect home spa for baby boomers:
1. Choose a quiet, secluded location.
2. Invest in quality products and nail technician table and chairs.
3. Make sure your space is comfortable and inviting.
4. Consider hiring a professional to help you design and build your home spa.
5. Tailor your home spa to your specific needs and preferences.

Obviously, not everyone has the space or money to build a home spa, but a visit to your local spa or nail salon to have your aching feet massaged and pampered can really make a difference. Aches and pains don’t really become an issue until about fifty. I mean, until fifty our body does not throw any major tantrums. Our bodies resist, fight, and try to help us survive. But unfortunately, after reaching fifty, it almost becomes impossible to resist spas. After all, everybody needs to avail of some kind of treatment to thank their bodies for their life-long service.

Actually, when someone nears the age of retirement, it becomes their responsibility to take care of their body as a gesture of thankfulness towards their body parts that have been doing everything to help them earn. And honestly, I am one such gratitude-laden person who tries to have a full body massage monthly to help my aching muscles get some relaxation from the treadmill and light weight training at my gym with my “Silver Sneakers” status. Without these spa treatments, I’m not sure I could get out of bed daily!

Whether you’re a baby boomer yourself, or you’re simply looking for ways to help your ageing parents relax and rejuvenate, spas can offer a variety of benefits that are perfect for easing aches and pains. So, if you’re looking for ways to relax and escape the everyday grind, the spa is the place for you!

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