David vs Goliath: Adecco Style
Recently a friend in the travel blogger industry had the misfortune of having a large corporation pilfer his theme. Turner Barr has been on a Round The World quest, to sustain himself, by working at various unusual jobs. His blog aroundtheworldin80jobs.com as been very successful and he has devoted over two years of his life to establish a following and share his inner feelings and thoughts about each of the jobs. He has made many personal sacrifices and wanted to show the world if you really want to work, there are a myriad of “odd” jobs that one can hold.
On June 20, 2013 Turner went public as Adecco, the large corporation that appropriated Turner’s theme, wanted no part of admitting their fault or even negotiating at any level. How I Got Fired From The Job I Invented was written seeking the large corporation’s admission of fault and a fair and legitimate compensation for actually and outright plagiarizing his theme and creation. Over the weekend Turner sat idly, as friends and fellow bloggers try to escalate Adecco’s blunder into a ground swirl, which could not be ignored. Adecco’s Twitter handle was shut down from too many tweets. Various social media platforms were closed to additional comments, as the response was overwhelmingly in Turner’s favor and Adecco had no supporter’s for their swindle.
The blogging community and especially the travel blogging community is a large and vibrant family eager to express themselves and broadcast the misdeeds of Adecco’s theft of Turner’s campaign. All weekend long Adecco was silent with no answer except to state they were in negotiations. This was another untruth, but what should one suspect from a company that advertise’s a stolen campaign and presents a purloined agenda to young people who are desperate to find a job.
Turner all through this ordeal has taken the high road and had tried in vain to maintain a open and positive dialogue. Just a few minutes ago Turner released this post Even Multi-Billion Dollar Corporations Should Apologize When They Are Wrong: An Open Letter to Adecco to #makeitright stating what he desired to settle the issue. Adecco apparently wanted him to keep quiet and not continue use of the “AroundTheWorldIn80Jobs campaign”.
I think that in this “David vs Goliath” battle David (Turner) is completely in the right. Please read and completely digest Turner’s story, especially if you are a small business owner. As I discovered with a simple Google search, there are predators willing to steal even my theme and domain name. Beware you might be next! I would appreciate it if you would share this among all your friends and family and let the world know we are tired of large corporations running rampant over the little guy! Turner I sincerely wish you well my friend! #MakeItRight Adecco!.
Posted By June 24, 2013
This really is terribly sad! Poor Turner! I hope that he wins his fight for his incredibly well written blog!
It is horrible. Don’t know if you have done a Google search or not yet, but I found two people using my Nomadic Texan domain name! I was furious! I hope that somewhere along the line either trademarking becomes less expensive or they pass laws that domain name purchases are the same as trademarking. Thanks for your comment!
As far as I know, my domain name is safe. That would fire me up!! Found a neat coffee farm in Ibarra, Ecuador. Wish we were ready to make the move, but we’re not. Gona be about two years, but we are going!! Working on an article of “Ecuador: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”. The good part is easy, the bad is limited and the ugly is very short. Did you see where the California Kitchen is for sale? Later,
Sorry this just showed up. Since we have since talked, no need for me to respond! Ha!