One Door Opens Another

Posted By May 14, 2013
Posted By May 14, 2013
Nomadic Texan
Follow Nomadic Texan@David_Leavitt How about realizing this was fake news and the man was actually around 34 years old, was armed and w……
This post about Bratwurst has me drooling all over my beard! I love it slathered with a good authentic mustard and……
@TRINArockstarr your interview with Trick Daddy was real! #Truth
@AbbyCScience @EpiEllie You were blocking egress. Seriously what did you expect?
RT @OlgaNM7: Smorgasbord Cafe and Bookstore – #Free #Bookmarketing – New series – Share an...… on @bloglovin
those are gorgeous wooden doors, i love to also see interesting architectural details and take some tight shots. this looks like a great place to visit, thanks for sharing them.
I, too, love doors!! If you do a book, I have a few that will be donated!
sounds great, thanks
I think I’m going to start taking photos of doors. They’re one of those everyday things that I overlook in my non-travel life but are so much more interesting when travelling.
Beautiful doors – I realize it would be expensive to create such utilitarian works of art these days but that doesn’t stop me from wishing they would.
Mike, do you also find the ornateness or overall size of the doors reflect the importance of the room or resident beyond?