Photo of The Day #32
One of the common sights one sees when walking the streets of Cuenca, is the fruit vendors selling their wonderful items from a wheelbarrow. I think the wheelbarrow business would be a good business, as the vendors are set up almost every two or three blocks. Mostly locals purchase these items, but occasionally I see tourists buying the fruit. It is so cheap and so good looking that one has to avoid temptation, unless they have the materials needed to cleanse the fruit appropriately.
I have learned over time that fruits and vegetables grown by root source (like potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, etc) must be soaked thoroughly in the cleansing treatment or one will have a visit from the Grand Amoeba and trust me that’s not fun. The tree fruits and vegetables are safer, but still require a good cleansing. Ecuador has a bountiful supply of fruits and veggies, but I would urge you to make sure you treat them prior to consuming! Saludos!
Posted By September 7, 2013
How does one cleanse the root vegetables to avoid any visits from “Grand Amoeba”??!!
There are two ways that I know. The first is to use a product called Starbock, that can be bought at the local Super Maxi grocery store. It just takes a few ounces mixed in water along with the fruits and vegetables. The second method and a little less beneficial, is to soak and wash the items in a combination of dish soap and vinegar. You have to scrub the items. Everybody has their own methods. After a while though you get used to the difference and this process isn’t that necessary.