Viking Cruises, Photo of the Day #20
Our first tour with Viking River Cruises was to a cheese processing farm in the Kinderdjik area of Holland/Netherlands. It was fantastic because I love cheese, especially Gouda, as this farm made. Holland is the largest exporter of cheese in the world. These Holstein cows are milked twice a day and their milk is the first step in the process of making the Gouda cheese.

Holstein Dairy Cows
As a young boy I visited my Grandfather’s dairy farm in Howard Kansas every year. Most of the times at Thanksgiving and we would spend a week there. The farm had over 200 head of mixed breed dairy cattle, a significant amount of the herd was Holstein. Visiting this dairy farm in the Netherlands made all these childhood memories flood through my brain. Thoughts of milking my grandfather’s cows by hand and collecting the milk in 5 gallon metal containers ran through my brain like a runaway train. The Holsteins were gorgeous, at least to me!
***Portions of our cruise were sponsored by Viking River Cruises. All opinions, as always, are those of my own.
Posted By May 10, 2018
I always wanted to try out doing cheese processinnd milking a cow. Only a few people do it here in our country.
As a child I learned how to milk by hand at my grandfather’s dairy farm. He didn’t have all the modern milking machines! Thanks.
I’m a huge fan of cheese so this is very interesting for me. Are there other types of dairy products that are produced by Holstein cows, or are they specifically bred to produce Gouda cheese?
Wow that’s a great question! Yes they make yogurt, butter and other bi-products. Thanks for asking your question. Very,very good one!
Mmmm glad to know they make yogurt! That’s my fav. And I can only imagine that it would be super rich, creamy, healthy and delicious from the natural way that it’s processed.
It definitely was creamy!
You really must have enjoyed reliving childhood memories. I would love to learn how to milk a cow. And about the cheese, yes, the Netherlands make the best cheese.
It was phenomenal. I was a child over 50 years ago so I have to go far back. I can’t agree more. My favorite cheeses are Gouda and Edam, both made in the Netherlands/Holland. Thanks.
Mike Pl p
This is so lovely, I’m glad you could recall some good childhood memories even if you are in a total different place and country, its funny how a faraway place can seem familiar in certain aspects, I would’ve to eat the famous dutch cheeses directly from the farm.
Gouda cheese is delicious. I have never before seen the process for this one, but I lived on a farm in my childhood and see other cheese preparations
It must be very nostalgic for you to visit this place. I love cheese myself. It’s always nice to read stories like this.
It is very nostalgic and I love cheese also. I happy my story hadan impact!
Cows are such interesting animals! This seem to be well-treated, fortunately. I hope everything is as nice as in you childhood memories!
Actually the cows in the Netherlands are treated so much better than in my childhood. Farmers today are very well educated and it’s not like when my grandfather raised cows.
I will agree with you,the Holstein looks gorgeous to me too.I first had the cheesy experience in a ranch on one of my vacation holiday. It always a pleasure watching the cows get milked.
I hope your “cheesy” experience was in reference to the dairy product. I’m glad you liked my post.
Never been to a cheese processing farm before. Seems fun especially since I love chesee.
If you get the chance to visit a dairy farm one day soon. I’m sure you would love it.
It looks fun trying out to milk a cow. Plus, these cows looks really healthy.
Sometimes it’s really “funny” watching people learn to milk cows. Those cows were some of the most healthy cows I have ever seen and I live in Texas!
I’ve never been to a cheese farm before. What I only visited is a meat processing farm. I’m very amazed.
It was my first trip to a cheese making” farm also. I highly recommend you visit one the first chance you get!
I like to visit this kind of farms. I want to try milking a cow. I think it’s fun.
I’m sure you would love visiting a dairy farm.